Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

I recommend Star Trek because it has the previously reviewed Terminator trailer and the new Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen trailer. Star Trek is also worth watching after these previews are over. From the Transformers 2 trailer we find out that Sam goes off to college where his brain downloads the Transformers' secrets, Chuck style and he starts finding Kryptonian, I mean Cybertronian script all over the planet. Apparently Starscream returns with reinforcements including a Decepticon that skates through the city Apolo Anton Ohno style and what looked like the Constructicons who merge into Devastator. Megatron is rescued from the bottom of the ocean (Why didn't they just freeze him at the North Pole again?) Optimus Prime is briefly seen fighting with glowing blades protruding from his arms.
**********************Spoiler Alert******************** Do not read this section if you do not want the preview ruined for you!
From a couple of Sam's reactions we must assume that Optimus Prime and Bumble Bee don't make it.

All of the major human characters return in the preview so fans of the Wetwicki's can now exhale. Toy collectors, you're in trouble because the Transformer cast appears to have grown significantly.

Preview Rating: PG for pretty good. Would've been G for great except for a totally unecessary, gratuitous shot of Sam's girlfriend.

In Theaters: June 24th

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