Sunday, May 24, 2009

Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost is a sci-fi comedy. It's a movie genre which has seen the likes of huge giants in the past including Men in Black, Short Circuit, and The Matrix Revolutions. Like its predecessors, Land of the Lost is a marvel with special effects only lacking in comparison to the groundbreaking fx genius of Honey, I Shrunk the Kids. While Will Ferrell might not have the impeccable timing of Rick Moranis himself, Land could be the breakout blockbuster that sci-fi comedy fans have been craving ever since Tim Allen's Galaxy Quest broke their hearts.

Land's trailer is filled with all the necessary goodies for any Space Balls fan including, but not limited to, time and space travel, a T-Rex, rubbery lizard lads, a monkey man, and a campfire banjo tune. Even more than all of these fascinating points of interest, the creators of Land have filmed a scene that this preview reviewer hopes will become a mainstay ingredient in all sci-fi comedy flicks. The scene occurs just a few moments into the trailer. Ferrell's character is being interviewed by Matt Lauer and then all of a sudden Ferrell attacks Lauer. We watch as he cowers away most likely searching out his mommy Meredith Vereira. This scene spoke volumes to me. It's quite a moment when art imitates life.

More than Land of the Lost being just a sci-fi comedy, I believe the movie serves as a much more profound and reaffirming statement - We are not in that much of a recession! One hundred million dollars are reported to have been spent in the making. Well worth the money to chase down Lauer and beat some good sense into him, but the fact remains that this country isn't in the financial fix the media would have us to believe. So with that I say 'thank you' Land of the Lost for being brave enough to be a cultural statement and not merely a time travel bio-pic.

**This portion of the review is meant to prophetically ruin the ending to this movie. If you want to pay nine dollars to see Will's surgical scar on a 40 foot screen, then stop reading now**

After being chased by that testy T-Rex for nearly 2 hours, Ferrell finally figures out that the only way he can get the dino off his tail is to subside his hunger. In an intense scene with his new lizard pals, Ferrell captures the Today show flunkie and serves him up on a silver dino-platter but, as it turns out, the monster doesn't want anything to do with him either.

Preview Rating: 4 (my girl Katie Couric)

In Theaters: June 5th

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

I recommend Star Trek because it has the previously reviewed Terminator trailer and the new Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen trailer. Star Trek is also worth watching after these previews are over. From the Transformers 2 trailer we find out that Sam goes off to college where his brain downloads the Transformers' secrets, Chuck style and he starts finding Kryptonian, I mean Cybertronian script all over the planet. Apparently Starscream returns with reinforcements including a Decepticon that skates through the city Apolo Anton Ohno style and what looked like the Constructicons who merge into Devastator. Megatron is rescued from the bottom of the ocean (Why didn't they just freeze him at the North Pole again?) Optimus Prime is briefly seen fighting with glowing blades protruding from his arms.
**********************Spoiler Alert******************** Do not read this section if you do not want the preview ruined for you!
From a couple of Sam's reactions we must assume that Optimus Prime and Bumble Bee don't make it.

All of the major human characters return in the preview so fans of the Wetwicki's can now exhale. Toy collectors, you're in trouble because the Transformer cast appears to have grown significantly.

Preview Rating: PG for pretty good. Would've been G for great except for a totally unecessary, gratuitous shot of Sam's girlfriend.

In Theaters: June 24th

Friday, May 15, 2009

Terminator: Salvation

My initial impression of the preview for Terminator: Salvation was that it would be Bruce Wayne vs the Decepticons. I fully expected a cigar chomping, apocalyptic Matthew McConaughey character to show up & show Christian Bales' character how to slay the machines. Sorry ladies, that didn't happen. Instead we are treated with a few special effects heavy scenes, the coolest is with another Bat-Cycle spinning to dodge debris, and a little story line.

************** Spoiler Alert *******************
If you don't want to have the preview's plot ruined for you then skip the next sentence, which I have placed in parenthesis for your convenience. (Apparently the Decepticons, I mean Skynet, are taking live humans for something, then a humanoid Terminator shows up thinking that it is a real live person) *******************************

This Terminator like its predecessor, Arnold, becomes an ally to the humans, no spoiler there if you've seen any of the other movies. The preview, like any good preview, leaves unanswered questions like do the humans win, do the Terminators invent time travel in this movie and when does the Schwarzenator show up?

Preview Rating: PG for pretty good. I'd be early to a movie to see it again.

In Theaters: May 27th