Capitalism: A Love Story
For the sake of full disclosure I must admit that I believe Michael Moore to be a buffoon and that I have not seen all of his previews. The trailer for his latest, Capitalism: A Love Story, is rather blah as movie trailers go. With comedies you usually get at least one Laugh Out Loud, horror flicks some sort of a shock, with chick flicks an Awwww or super thriller that "I gotta see that" special effect. I guess documentaries are different they should inspire introspection and thoughtfulness. I get the impression from this trailer that Moore is shooting for introspection and LOLs.
In typical fashion, from what I understand from the few trailers of his films that I have seen, Moore shows up at whatever evil empire's headquarters he's pointing his camera at and then tries to make the people at the front desks look incompetent while trying to get an audience with the executive. Then he takes his camera to the streets where he interviews everyday Americans about the evils of capitalism, the need for the 'have nots' to take from the 'haves'. Interspersed are clips of police in riot gear. I have no idea what he's implying.
*** Spoiler Alert ***
This is a subjective spoiler alert. If you are someone who believes that the nation would be better if wealth were shared then you'll be on pins and needles anticipating what genius idea Moore will provide. Will he incite revolution or incite blind loyalty to a certain political party?
If you truly love capitalism, not investment banking but an economic system based on private property ownership and the honoring of contracts, then this preview will not surprise you at all.