The preview for Rise of the Planet of the Apes totally ruins the climactic and shocking ending of the Charlton Heston cult classic, Planet of the Apes. If you haven't seen it, you need to watch it before viewing this preview; or before reading the next sentance.
*** Spoiler Alert! ***
In the first scene of this preview we are exposed to two shocking revelations; the first is that the Planet of the Apes is in fact the Earth and the second is that James Franco plays a character that cures Alzheimer's and trains a monkey.
I'm sorry, but I must indulge in a brief rant. Don't a lot of people believe that apes started walking around on their hind legs, then lost that awesome opposing digit on their feet that the Beast from X-Men First Class had, and then started wearing clothes? So; in effect, haven't the Apes already risen? This move should be titled Planet of the Apes with the tag line, Apes will Rise-Again.
Anyway, back to the preview. We quickly learn that a drug tested on Caesar, a chimpanzee, is the cure for Azheimers; however it also makes Caesar smarter than James Franco. The chimp is separated from his family by a bunch of Mageirocophobiacs (people with fear of monkeys). Caesar then causes monkey mayhem. The action hinted at is probalby worth a matinee movie ticket. The effects were done by the same folks who did Avatar. Unfortunately I didn't see any glowing trees or blue gorillas in the preview; maybe they're in the full length movie.
I would love to give this preview two opposing thumbs up, but I can't based on the fact that Franco is seen too much to maintain credibility as a scientist. Secondly, how many times does some awesome cure for a major disease or some awesome global military defense computer have to be the cause of mankinds demise? I think they should have called the film, Ape is Legend or Terminator 5: Rise of the Apes. And it leaves one major question unanswered, where does Mark Wahlberg fit?