Thank you Mr. Cavanaugh first for making my proposal woefully inadequate and second for creating unbelievably high expectations for single guys looking to enjoy a movie with a single gal. Now, if the couple is at that stage of their relationship the lovely ladies will all be expecting something like this while the guy is just getting hyped about the next comic book movie adaptation. I can see it now, he leans over and whispers softly in her ear, "I know what we're doing June 17th" at that moment a tear forms in her eye and he has no idea why.
I got to hand it to you Mr. Cavanaugh, or should I say Mr. New York 2007, the movie trailer was awesome. I'd like to see that film, Jason Bourne meets any Hugh Grant character.
My advice guys, just check out the previews on your phones and go to the concession stand to buy your lady something special until the opening credits roll.